By: Lila Thorpe
In the realm of heroes and silent warriors, there are few as resilient and determined as Cherice Moore, a former Staff Sergeant who served in the United States Army, whose life took an unexpected turn when an Anonymous Health Incident aka Havana Syndrome wreaked havoc upon her and her family while living on base. Their journey, marked by hardship, neglect, and the unwavering spirit of perseverance, has culminated in the birth of “Say Hell No Today,” a nonprofit organization that seeks to bring solace to those affected by electronic harassment.
Havana Syndrome, assumed to be a mysterious ailment, causing one to be debilitated, first emerged among American diplomats stationed in Havana, Cuba. Yet, it wasn’t confined to foreign service personnel alone. Cherice Moore, along with her children, bore the brunt of this insidious affliction while serving in the active duty U.S. Army. Despite a significant acknowledgment by the military that electronic devices had been used against them on a TRADOC post and the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III” issuing an official memo, their pleas for assistance fell on deaf ears.
The government’s decision to only acknowledge, compensate, and treat diplomats while leaving its own servicemember to suffer in silence is a profound injustice that Cherice Moore and her family experienced firsthand. Their battle with Havana Syndrome was not only physically grueling but emotionally and financially draining as well. However, adversity often sparks the birth of champions, and Cherice Moore emerged as a beacon of hope for countless others trapped in the same nightmare.
In a testament to her indomitable spirit, Cherice Moore founded “Say Hell No Today,” a nonprofit organization aimed at supporting those affected by electronic harassment. The name itself is a powerful declaration of defiance against the forces that threaten the well-being of individuals and their families. The organization has swiftly become a lifeline for victims of electronic harassment, offering support, resources, and a sense of community that was sorely lacking for far too long. It serves as a reminder that one person’s determination can transform adversity into a force for good.
Through “Say Hell No Today,” Cherice Moore is amplifying the voices of the voiceless, advocating for recognition and assistance for all who suffer from Havana Syndrome, regardless of their affiliation. The organization has been instrumental in raising awareness about the issue, pressing for policy changes, and providing vital support to those who have been overlooked for far too long. Her determination to bring justice to all victims of electronic harassment burns brighter
with each passing day. With unwavering resolve, she continues to challenge the status quo, pushing for accountability and assistance from the military and the government.
As Cherice Moore and her nonprofit continue their crusade for justice and support, they serve as an inspiration to us all, proving that even in the face of adversity, hope and change are possible. Together, they are lighting the path towards a brighter, more just future for all those affected by electronic harassment, ensuring that no one is left behind and becomes a Fallen Comrade.