Nurse Florence®, Tell Me Things About the Heart by Dow Creative Enterprises has won the Siler Award from The Mom’s Choice Awards®. These awards evaluate products and services created for children, families, and educators. This award program is recognized around the world for establishing the benchmark of excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. The Mom’s Choice Awards® is based in the United States and has reviewed thousands of children and family friendly media from more than 60 countries.
Michael Dow is enthusiastic at having acquired this Nautilus award for Nurse Florence®, Tell Me Things About the Heart. “Receiving the Silver Award with the Mom’s Choice Awards® for this is book is very special to me,” says Dow, “This program seeks to highlight the best products for families, and we continue to receive feedback that parents are learning from the books like kids are. The heart is an amazing organ, and this book helps address the many questions that kids may have about it.” Michael Dow is passionate about the Nurse Florence series, and it shows in his work and his care for his fellow illustrators.

Nurse Florence®, Tell Me Things About the Heart has three students, Jean, Condi, and Sonia. They walk to the cafeteria and sit with Nurse Florence. Condi mentions her father having high blood pressure and asks Nurse Florence about the heart. The girls and Nurse Florence have an extensive conversation about the heart. The girls learn a lot and thank Nurse Florence for teaching them.
Nurse Florence®, Tell Me Things About the Heart by Michael Dow and illustrated by Sandra Islas can be purchased by going to the following link: It is also available on many book retailer websites such as, but not limited to, the Barnes & Noble website, kobo books, and various others. This book is only available in paperback and hardcover editions.
For the whole month of November 2022, paperback copies of the books will be discounted as much as 41%. Visit to quickly get to a link to access the printer’s website for the discount.
The Nurse Florence® series currently has 27 books available for purchase with plans to release more each month for the foreseeable future. There is only one writer for each of the Nurse Florence® books and 20 illustrators. You can check for updates to this series at the following website:

Michael Dow is the author of the Nurse Florence® children’s books series and the owner of Dow Creative Enterprises. Michael Dow is a retired veteran and is now a registered nurse. Back on September 11, 2001, he was on the path to go to medical school, but instead chose to change his career goals and entered the US Air Force. He deployed six times for the global war on terror between 2005 and 2009, officially retiring in 2010. Although he had a temporary leave from medical science to fight in the Armed Forces, Michael always had a passion for the human body and science, so he eventually used his GI bill to go through nursing school and graduated in August 2020. His education includes the following: B.A. in Psychology, B.S. in Biology, M.S. in Management, Master’s in Health Administration, and an M.S. via the 15-month accelerated Master’s for the Entry into the Profession of Nursing program. Sandra Islas is the niece of Michael Dow. She has been interested in drawing since she was a kid and is heavily influenced by anime. When she isn’t illustrating books, she likes to play video games. Sandra is a creative and talented teenager and is an adamant believer of following your passions and helping people by doing what you love.
Contact: Erin Miller, MFA – Publicist for Dow Creative Enterprises, 1-520-485-0040