At Michigan Post, an integral publication of the Enspirers News Group, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of journalism. As a beacon of excellence in delivering unfiltered World News and trusted coverage of Politics, Business, Tech, and more, we adhere to strict newsroom policies to ensure accuracy, fairness, and impartiality.

Our newsroom operates on the following core principles:

  1. Accuracy & Integrity: We prioritize fact-checking and verify every piece of information to ensure our reporting is accurate and credible. We acknowledge and correct errors promptly, maintaining transparency with our readers.
  2. Objectivity & Fairness: Our content is free from bias, and we strive to present all perspectives on important issues. We value diverse opinions and ensure balanced coverage across all topics, fostering informed discussions.
  3. Editorial Independence: We maintain independence from external influence, ensuring that our news coverage is not swayed by advertisers, political agendas, or corporate interests. Our commitment is to the truth, not to those with vested interests.
  4. Ethical Journalism: Our team follows the code of ethics set forth by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ). We treat sources, subjects, and colleagues with respect and dignity, upholding the highest standards of professionalism.
  5. User-Generated Content: Through our partnership with, we allow user-generated content on our platform. However, all submissions are reviewed to meet our editorial standards, ensuring they align with our values of accuracy, fairness, and respect.
  6. Privacy & Anonymity: We respect the privacy of individuals and handle sensitive information with care. We offer anonymity to sources when necessary and follow strict protocols to protect whistleblowers and confidential informants.
  7. Corrections Policy: In the event of an error, we are committed to correcting any inaccuracies promptly. We value accountability and transparency, ensuring that our readers are informed about any changes made to published content.

For any queries or concerns regarding our newsroom policies or standards, please contact us at and cc. Our readers’ trust is our most valuable asset, and we are dedicated to maintaining it through excellence in journalism.