In contrast to his otherwise colorful appearance and wild curly hair, he often appears to be tranquil, Prince Steven is a reflective person. Yet his in-depth meditative ability and awareness are supreme. Recite daily his Buddhist mantras and offerings; Steven adores the otherworldliness and the parallel dimension of blue skies and the unity of all beings.
A man of faith and deep spiritual beliefs in global unity and consciousness, Prince Steven Jorchen Borjigin is now reviving his dynastic rights under interreligious cooperation and dialogues. The 36th generation of Genghis Khan, Steven, is working hard to bridge the interfaith possibilities to make this world a better place. He grew up in Inner Mongolia, Beijing, and Tibet, and his unique upbringing inspired his interreligious and intercultural identity. This identity served him a long way. Each of these cultures taught him some important lessons. In Inner Mongolia, he realized the insignificance of a single man. Thus, he started to appreciate the unity of humanity, the totality of all things. In Beijing, he learned about the foolishness of political ideologies and deeply admired Deng Xiaoping for his pragmatism in understanding the economy and development. In Tibet, he studied the Mahayana Tantra and recognized the equality of all beings in life’s essence and the causes of merits for future lives. His colorful life experience is truly inspiring.

Spiritually, his root is shamanistic Buddhism, which combines Tibetan Buddhism and Tengrism. Such a hybrid is already very unique in spirituality and faith. Yet he doesn’t stop there. Steven always talks about the common human identity of Cosmo wisdom. He thinks the Catholic and Orthodox faith also have essential ingredients of the teachings of all ages, that is, the unity between man and the universe. As the offspring of Genghis Khan, he believes the DNA carried the ancient spiritual imprint on many levels.
War is only a symbol, often to dispel our refusal to be ONE. Genghis Khan’s actual goal was to unite the people of Eurasia. For this reason, Steven traveled to a dozen countries to seek spiritual enlightenment. He says this mission is in line with the original mission of the Great Khan, which is to bring people together. Genghis Khan was the first to understand the importance of the common human destiny 500 years ahead of Emmanuel Kant, the great German philosopher.
As we enter the new era of artificial intelligence, Steven also advocates the ever-growing importance of spirituality. As a strong spiritual advocator, he encourages all humanity to focus on our inner growth as better humans. To Steven, the real war is not the physical military confrontations but the very minds of humankind.
Prince Steven Jorchen Borjigin’s wisdom is multifaceted and ingrained in his rich life experience, from China to Nepal, from the United States to Mongolia. He is working hard to promote intercultural and interreligious communications across all spectrums.