At Michigan Post, we strive for accuracy and integrity in our reporting, recognizing that reliable journalism is essential to our mission. If you believe that any content published on our platform contains an error or requires clarification, we encourage you to reach out to us.

How to Request a Correction:
Please provide the following information in your request to ensure a prompt and thorough review:

  1. Article Title and URL: The title and link to the specific article in question.
  2. Description of the Error: Clearly outline what you believe is incorrect or misleading in the article.
  3. Supporting Information: If possible, provide any evidence or sources that support your claim.
  4. Your Contact Information: Include your name and email address for follow-up communication.

Contact Us for Corrections:
You can submit your correction request via email to and cc. Our editorial team will review your request and, if necessary, make the appropriate corrections to uphold the quality and accuracy of our reporting.

Thank you for helping us maintain the integrity of our journalism. Your feedback is invaluable in our commitment to providing trustworthy news and insights.