At Michigan Post, we rely on the insights and information from our community to help us uncover stories that matter. If you have a news tip or information that you believe is important for our journalists to investigate, we want to hear from you.

How to Submit a News Tip:
You can submit your news tip confidentially by following these steps:

  1. Email Us: Send your tip to
  2. Provide Details: In your message, include as much relevant information as possible, such as:
  • A brief description of the story or information you are sharing.
  • Any key names, dates, or locations involved.
  • Contact information for follow-up, if you’re comfortable providing it.
  1. Confidentiality: If you prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your email, and we will respect your privacy.

What Happens Next?
Our newsroom team will review your submission and determine if it warrants further investigation. While we may not be able to respond to every tip, we appreciate your contribution to the pursuit of accurate and impactful journalism.

Thank you for helping us bring important stories to light at Michigan Post. Your input is invaluable in our mission to deliver trustworthy news and insights to our readers.