
Daily Aspirin Regimen May Cause Bleeding

Dr. Wong added: “Two didn’t find any significant reductions in heart attack or stroke, but there was an increased risk of bleeding.” The third clinical trial, which was limited to people with diabetes, a higher-risk group, found a small reduction in cardiovascular events — but with a higher bleeding risk. “The harm canceled out the […]

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Common Medications Can Prolong Back Pain When Overused, Study Says

The researchers also replicated the findings in mice, compressing the animals’ sciatic nerves to produce back and leg pain or injecting the sciatic nerves with an irritant. When they blocked the animals’ immune response with dexamethasone, a steroid commonly used to treat back pain, the pain became chronic. Six Tips for Treating Chronic Pain Card […]

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Brain Implant Allows Fully Paralyzed Patient to Communicate

In 2020 Ujwal Chaudhary, a biomedical engineer then at the University of Tübingen and the Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering in Geneva, watched his computer with amazement as an experiment that he had spent years on revealed itself. A 34-year-old paralyzed man lay on his back in the laboratory, his head connected by a […]

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Is the Coronavirus in Your Backyard?

There are many theories, none entirely satisfying. An infectious hunter might encounter a deer, Dr. Mubareka noted, but “if they’re good at hunting,” she added, “it’s a terminal event for the deer.” If an infected hiker “sneezes and the wind is blowing in the right direction, it could cause an unlucky event,” said Dr. Tony […]

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In New York City Sewage, a Mysterious Coronavirus Signal

“To have something in a sewershed that you’re detecting, you need a fair bit of it around,” said Dr. Adam Lauring, a virologist at the University of Michigan, who was not involved in the research. Dr. Johnson, the Missouri virologist, agrees. He favors the hypothesis that the sequences are coming from animals, perhaps a few […]

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A Cancer Treatment Makes Leukemia Vanish, but Creates More Mysteries

After the CD8 cells did their job, they remained in the blood but, unexpectedly, they turned into CD4 cells. And when the Penn investigators removed CD4 cells from the blood of Mr. Ludwig and Mr. Olson, they saw that those cells could kill B cells in the laboratory. The CD4 cells had turned into assassins […]

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For Coronavirus Testing, the Nose May Not Always Be Best

The complications Saliva also has trade-offs. While the virus appears to build up in saliva early, the nose may be a better place to detect it later in the course of infection. Researchers at the California Institute of Technology found that while the virus often spiked first in saliva, it ultimately rose to higher levels […]

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Emerging Data Raise Questions About Antigen Tests and Nasal Swabs

A small, new real-world study suggests that two widely used at-home antigen tests, the Abbott BinaxNOW and Quidel QuickVue, may fail to detect some Omicron infections even when people are carrying high levels of the coronavirus. The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, focused on 30 people infected with the virus at five workplaces […]

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C.D.C. Virus Tests Were Contaminated and Poorly Designed, Agency Says

The faulty coronavirus testing kits developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the early weeks of the pandemic were not only contaminated but had a basic design flaw, according to an internal review by the agency. Health officials had already acknowledged that the test kits were contaminated, but the internal report, whose […]

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