Interscholastic Athletics

In a Georgia Mill Town, Soccer Presents a New Opportunity

DALTON, Ga. — The old folks are mostly white and carry in boxes of pizza and portable stadium seats to prop up their backs. The young mothers are predominantly Hispanic, and some press sleeping babies against their chests. Students and fathers are here, too. Most of Whitfield County has packed into Bill Chappell Stadium for […]

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Christine Grant Fought for Equity for Female Athletes

She held the job until 2000, marshaling a dozen sports that won 27 Big Ten Conference championships, then taught courses until 2006. According to The Athletic, Grant grew the women’s sports budget from $3,000 to nearly $7 million. And in her unflagging pursuit of equality for women, she was not allergic to showmanship and mischief. […]

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How the Bishop Sycamore Football Team Dashed Dreams

“This is a snapshot of what happens to youth sports in the inner city,” she said. “There’s a lot of money and greed. Some of these coaches are chasing the same dreams as the kids. That being said, kids in the inner city don’t have access to that training. When someone comes along and says […]

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The First Family of New Jersey Football

“A fan shouted, ‘what are you going to do next, onside punt?’” Vito said. “You could pay $200 for a Giants game and be frustrated or watch our circus for $3.” The tent came down two years later. With daughter, Gina, having won Gatorade Player of the Year honors for volleyball, Anthony readying for his […]

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