
More Than a Million Afghans Flee as Economy Collapses

ZARANJ, Afghanistan — From their hide-out in the desert ravine, the migrants could just make out the white lights of the Iranian border glaring over the horizon. The air was cold and their breath heavy. Many had spent the last of their savings on food weeks before and cobbled together cash from relatives, hoping to […]

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Russia and Iran Put on a Show of Unity — Against the U.S.

MOSCOW — Sitting across a long table from President Vladimir V. Putin at a Covid-conscious distance, President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran reminded his Russian counterpart on Wednesday that Tehran had been “resisting America for 40 years.” And now that Russia was plunging deeper into its own confrontation with the United States, Mr. Raisi told Mr. […]

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Foreign Drones Tip the Balance in Ethiopia’s Civil War

NAIROBI, Kenya — After Ethiopia’s embattled prime minister pulled off a stunning military victory earlier this month, reversing a rebel march on the capital that threatened to overthrow him, he credited the bravery of his troops. “Ethiopia is proud of your unbelievable heroism,” the jubilant leader, Abiy Ahmed, told his troops on the battlefront at […]

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Israeli Defense Officials Cast Doubt on Threat to Attack Iran

TEL AVIV — With diplomatic efforts to curb Iran’s nuclear program teetering, Israel’s defense minister has ordered his forces to prepare a military option, warning the world that Israel would take matters into its own hands if a new nuclear agreement did not sufficiently constrain Iran. But several current and former senior Israeli military officials […]

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Iran Nuclear Talks Head for Collapse Unless Tehran Shifts, Europeans Say

BRUSSELS — Western negotiators trying to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal said on Friday that the new, more hard-line government in Iran is proposing unacceptable changes to the existing draft agreement, even as it is proceeding apace with its nuclear program. Unless Tehran shifts its stance quickly, the diplomats from Britain, France and Germany […]

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As Hopes for Nuclear Deal Fade, Iran Rebuilds and Risks Grow

Robert Malley, the State Department’s Iran envoy, said recently that while “it is in Iran’s hands to choose” which path to take, the United States and other allies need to be prepared for whichever choice Tehran makes. He noted that Mr. Biden and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken “have both said if diplomacy fails, […]

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